Sunday, September 7, 2008

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

  1. Great Pyramid of Giza
  2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  3. Statue of Zeus
  4. Temple of Artemis
  5. Mausoleum of Maussollos
  6. Colossus of Rhodes
  7. Lighthouse of Alexandria

The above is the list of 7 wonders in the world. Based on what i had read this morning, 6 out of 7 of these 7 wonders had been destructed due to arson, plundering and earthquake. The only 7 wonders that is still standing is Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Temple of Artemis is destructed by arson and plundering. As for the rest are being destroyed by natural disaster such as earthquake. Construction of these buildings are needed a lot of specs of knowledge and technologies. If we think rationally, it is impossible for human being to create such a "thing" at that time. Somehow, it is not wrong to come out some concepts that relate these 7 wonders with Alien. But i still strongly believe that our human being have our own latent intelligence that is still never discovered. I also hope that i can own a "well-developed" brain as what they had at the past.

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